John Muther "Live Album"

Guess what everyone? My “Live Album” is out! This is a digital-only release and you can get it from most purveyors of digital music. Here are the ways that you can help me:

1. BUY IT! You can buy it from:

Me directly




2. LISTEN TO IT! You can also listen to it on major streaming services, like:





I am usually paid about half a penny on each 'play' on these services, and it adds up!

3. REVIEW IT! Write a short review on any of the stores or services listed above.

4. SHARE IT! Please also SHARE this with friends and family on social media. Link to my website or Facebook page. Post the track you like the best. This helps me more than you think!

If you are really feeling ambitious, you could do all four. It is not that hard. I don't have to tell you this, but the more music you buy from musicians, the more those musicians can buy groceries or replace the axles on their cars.

I will be posting about this album track by track through the next month or so. Please watch my Facebook page and website for those postings. Let me know what you think!

Take care.

John Muther

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